Regular Called Meeting
November 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to order by presiding officer to include pledge and invocation;
2. Consideration and approval of minutes of previous meeting dated October 3, 2023, their consideration and approval;
3. Appearance by citizens or others;
4. Reports from municipal officers; Auditor; Administration; Building Codes; Finance; Court; CPW; Fire; Police; Victim Services; Streets/Sanitation
5. Unfinished business to include second reading of ordinances;
A. Discussion and approval on how to list property located on Daily Creek Road, Saluda, SC; Tax Map #135-00-00-010
B. Discussion and approval of Contract with CC&I Services LLC
C. Second Reading on Ordinance 2024-01 - Amendment to Business License
D. Second Reading on Ordinance 2024-02 – Sale or Transfer of Real Property TM#079-17-03-016
6. Go in to Executive Session to Discuss:
A. Discussion of a new Town Attendance Policy
B. Discussion of Auditor’s FY22 Audit Report
C. Discussion of Business License Codes/Ordinance
7. Possible Actions from Executive Session:
8. Council Comments;
9. Adjournment